Value Dividends

When investing in a dividend stock you don’t base your decision to invest on the yield alone. Value plays an important role because after all, we want that stock to go higher while we own it. That’s what makes dividend investors rich, stocks that go higher and pay out dividends as they go.

The P/E ratio, or price to earnings ratio, is a great indicator of value. It represents the price paid per share compared to the net income of the company. According to the Wall Street Journal, the average P/E ratio of stocks in the Dow is 17.19. The Nasdaq average is 16.71. Read more

Dividend Stocks With Lots Of Cash

We all like a good dividend paying stock, but we want to know that the company has the profits and the cash to keep paying their dividend each month or quarter. Since the downturn in the economy, companies have been trying to raise cash to improve their balance sheets and attract investors. These 3 stocks have a high cash to share ratio and all pay a dividend over 7% annually. I’ll talk about the dividend history of these companies and the growth each company is experiencing now. Read more

Stocks with a Annual Dividend of $4 or more

Stocks that pay a high dividend are always of interest to dividend investors. The annual dividend doesn’t always mean its a good stock to buy, but its appealing to many investors to know that they can be earning $4 or more for each share they own annually. Read more

Free Financial Websites

During these slow times it’s important to understand your money. There are plenty of free financial websites out there that provide financial tools and information to help you manage your money. Here are just a few:

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High Dividend Stocks can be risky

There has been a lot of talk lately in the news about dividend stocks. Along with that talk we hear a lot about stocks being at risk of having their dividends cut or completely Read more

Stock Trading Forums

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10 Best Investment Blogs

There are many great investment blogs out there but I wanted to highlight my favorite 10. At Dividend Stocks Online we mostly focus on stocks that pay dividends. There Read more

How To Buy Stocks

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Top Investment Books

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Dividend Investment

Dividend Investment is an important part of every investors portfolio.  As the market conditions have recently weakened there has been an increased interest in finding the best dividend stocks.  Here are some answers that many investors are looking for as they seek out dividends.

Common Questions

What is a dividend yield
How do dividends get paid
When do dividends get paid

The How and Why of Dividend Investment

How to invest in stocks that pay dividends:
There is a very simple answer to this question.  All you have to do is buy a stock that pays dividends.  To find stocks that pay dividends check out our free lists –  stocks that pay dividends or dividends by industry.

Why invest in stocks that pay dividends:
Stocks that pay dividends are a great investment.  In this video clip David Driscoll explains why owning dividend stocks is an important part of every successful portfolio.

His three main points are that dividend stocks provide:
1.  Steady income that can be reinvested into the stock
2.  Downside protection against a decreasing stock price
3.  Stable stock ownership preventing you from trying to actively trade your stocks

During these difficult times in the market Dividend Investment has started to draw more attention than ever before.   Click on the play button below to watch the entire 2 minute video.

The Power Of Dividends – video powered by Metacafe
