Roundup: Keeping on Top of Things

You know that you have to keep on top of things if you want financial success. Whether you are building an income portfolio or preparing for the future, here are some things to keep in mind as you move forward:

  1. My $100 Phone Call: Dividend Mantra found out about a promotion from bank of America, and called to get in on it. When he couldn’t get in, he moved to a competitor, earning himself a cool $100 bonus money.
  2. What’s Your Investing Horror Story?: The Dividend Guy shares his biggest investment mistake, and what he learned. You can learn from his experience, too, and read the stories of other unfortunates.
  3. Bond Duration: What It Is and Why It Matters: Oblivious Investor takes a look at bond duration. You should understand this concept if you are investing in bonds. You want to make sure you don’t run into any problems.
  4. Index funds are simpler than ETFs: Should you use index funds, or ETFs? Monevator breaks it down, helping you figure out what will likely work best in your situation. Make the right decision for you.
  5. Investing in Oil: 5 Junior Oil Stocks for 2012: If you are gearing up for 2012, you might want to consider these picks from Beating the Index. Stay on top of things, and get a jump start on your 2012 portfolio.
  6. Microsoft: Potentially Great Addition to Your Dividend Portfolio: Looking for more additions? The Dividend Pig does an analysis of MSFT, and you can figure out whether or not it would work for you. A great template, too, for your own analyses of other potential investing choices.
  7. Five Reasons I Love Investing With DRIPs: Keep up with your DRIP investing efforts. Dividend Ninja reminds us of DRIPs, and how this type of dividend investing can be a great way to build long term wealth.
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