High Yield Stock Ratings
See how the stocks listed on our high yield list stack up against our top dividend rating system.
Our rating system is used as a way to compare the best dividend stocks to each other. Remember that our ratings are for entertainment purposes only. No one should make a decision to buy or sell a stock based on our ratings. Having said that, we can use school letter grades to get a better idea of the ratings:
A: 80 – 100
B: 60 – 79
C: 40 – 59
D: 20 – 39
F: 00 – 19
Yield: Dividend yield. Shows how much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its share price. Expressed as a percentage.
Dividend Growth Rate: The annualized percentage rate of growth that a particular stock’s dividend undergoes over a period of time.
3yr Net Income Growth %: The annualized percentage rate of growth for net income.
Payout Ratio: The percentage of earnings paid to shareholders in dividends. (Usually we want this to be low)
1yr Return % Rank Industry: One year return on stock compared to its industry listed as a percentile. (Lower is better – 1% means it was in the top 1%)