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Highest Yielding Top Ranked Dividends

Best of the Best Dividend Growth Stocks

Top Consumer Dividend Stocks of 2018

The following are the top performing consumer sector dividend stocks of 2018 that have a dividend yield of 2% or more and a positive 5-year dividend growth rate. We excluded those with poor dividend growth metrics to stay focused on stocks dividend investors may find appealing.

NameSymbolP/EYield5yr Div
Growth %
1 Year
Retun %
Xtep InternXTEPY21.692.763.4867.8675.35
Guess? IncGES--4.092.38--38.96
DSW IncDSW59.23.7518.32211.1131.93
Kohl's CorpKSS11.353.5911.4439.7329.6
Macy's IncM5.435.0513.5527.428.35
Cato CorpCATO20.018.576.14171.4327.61
American EagleAEO12.72.788.6734.4612.74
Dick's SportingDKS10.052.736.3425.769.15
Movado GroupMOV82.412.3721.06178.057.76
Next PLC ADRNXGPY11.295.6328.7559.165.12
Buckle IncBKE10.055.034.5650.514.57
Nordstrom IncJWN17.583.076.554.012.88